儿童DHA鱼油(液体装)(Children's DHA, 8oz)产品包装标签更新
我们从2018年12月起生产的Nordic Naturals 挪帝克产品儿童DHA鱼油(液体装)8盎司(Children's DHA, 8oz)开始使用了更新版的标签。该产品标签的更新旨在以清晰准确的方式呈现产品主要特性和优势,以及重要的营养信息,从而提高客户满意度。产品本身并没有任何变化。我们向客户保证新旧两种标签产品均为Nordic Naturals 挪帝克的正品,它们秉承了挪帝克一如既往的卓越品质,请放心购买!
- Calories is changed from 25 to 20.
- Calories from fat is removed.
- Total Fat DV for children under 4 years is changed from the "not established" symbol to 6%, DV for 4 years and up is changed from 4% to 3%.
- Saturated Fat DV for children under 4 years is changed from the "not established" symbol to 5%.
- Cholesterol DV for children under 4 years is changed from the "not established" symbol to 3%.
- Vitamin A range is replaced with 20 mcg RAE, DV ranges are replaced with 7% for under 4 years, and to 2% for 4 years and up.
- Vitamin D claim is removed and the note "Contains less than 2 percent of the Daily Value of vitamin D" is added to the note box.
- The DV age for children in the note box, is changed from "under 4 yeas of age" to "1-3 years of age"
- The note "Percent Daily values based on a 1000 calorie diet" is added to the note box and is reference to the heading %DV for children 1-3.