我们从2019年12月起生产的 Nordic Naturals 挪帝克 儿童益生菌软糖 (Kids Nordic Flora™ Probiotic Gummies, 60 ct)开始使用更新版的标签。该产品标签的更新旨在以清晰准确的方式呈现产品主要特性和优势,以及重要的营养信息,从而提高客户满意度。产品本身并没有任何变化。
由于此款产品标签近期经过三次更新,配合仓库配送货物进度,近几个月内三种更新版本会同时于市场上销售,故客户收到的产品标签可能会出现D-01、D-02及E-01三种。我们向客户保证新旧标签产品均为 Nordic Naturals 挪帝克的正品,它们秉承了挪帝克一如既往的卓越品质,请放心购买!
Rev C01 to D01:
1. Label graphics are redesigned to match the other Nordic Flora probiotic products graphic design. Main changes are:
a. The wave and yellow background are replaced with a white background and color ribbons on the top and bottom of the label.
b. On front panel the bullet structure function claims in the upper left of the panel and the claim statement in the middle of the panel "1.5 Billion Live Cultures, With prebiotic dietary fiber" are removed and are replaced with a graphics box that contains the text "1.5 Billion CFU", Digestive Health, Immune Support, Dairy Free. Vegan. Stable.
c. No refrigeration graphic is removed and the text "No Refrigeration Needed" is placed at the bottom of the white space on the front panel.
d. Name of the product changes from "Probiotic Gummies KIDS" to "KIDS, Nordic Flora, Probiotic Gummies, with Prebiotics".
2. Supplement box format change:
a. "Servings per container" moved from: side by side with "Serving Size", To: stacked under "Serving Size".
3. Sodium DV's are changed:
From: 5 mg...†, 10mg...0%
To: 5 mg...4%, 10 mg...<1%
4. Total Carbohydrate DV for children is changed:
From: 3 g...†
To: 3 g...2%
5. Dietary Fiber DV's are changed for both children and adult:
From: 1 g...†, 2 g...8%
To: 1 g...7%, 2 g...7%
6. Prebiotic Fiber label claims are changed:
From: 940 mg to 850 mg per a 1 gummy serving.
From: 1880 mg to 1700 mg per a 2 gummy serving.
7. Daily value note stating the age range for young children is changed from "children under 4 years of age" to "children 1 through 3 years of age". Daily value note for older children and adults is changed from "for adults and children over 4 years of age" to " "for adults and children 4 years or more years of age."
8. Allergen statement wording is changed from "no artificial colors or flavors", to "no artificially derived" colors or flavors.
9. "Sugars" in the supplement facts, is changed to read "Total Sugars". Below total sugars a line is added stating added sugars, ie: "Includes Added Sugars 2 g...8%, 4 g...8%
10. Note "Percent Daily Values (DV) are based on a 1000 calorie diet" is added to supplement facts notes box, it is referenced to the %DV column heading for a single gummy serving (children's size serving).
11. Sodium label claims is moved from above "Total Carbohydrate" to below the sugars information.
12. The word "dietary" is removed from the ingredient statement on the front panel. Statement From: With prebiotic dietary fiber
Statement To: With prebiotic fiber
13. Statement in the top color ribbon on the left side panel of label, is changed:
From: Synergistic Vegetarian Formula
To: Certified by the America Vegetarian Association Suitable for Vegans
14. Condition for storage "away from sunlight" is removed and the condition "at room temperature or below" is added.
15. Warning statement is added: "Consult with your physician before taking this product or any dietary supplement if you are pregnant or lactating, have a known medical condition or are taking medications."
16. In the suggested use statement the age range for a one gummy serving is changed from "For 2-4 years" to "For 2-3 years”.
Rev D01 to D02:
1. In the supplement facts box the label claim description "Total CFU" is changed to "Viable cells", due to a switch to a different test method for verifying label claim.
2. The note "Colony-forming units (CFU) at time of manufacturing" is changed to read Viable Cells at time of manufacturing"
3. On the front panel "CFU" is removed from under "1.5 Billion" text.
4. "soluble tapioca fiber" in the ingredients list is replaced with "prebiotic syrup (from tapioca)".
Rev D02 to E01:
1. "prebiotic syrup (from tapioca)" in the ingredients list is replaced with "soluble tapioca fiber".
Rev. C-01
Rev. D-01
Rev. D-02